Macmemory M.2 512GB


Benchmark results for the Macmemory M.2 512GB can be found below. The data on this chart is generated from user-submitted results in Nero Score.

Nero Score is a 1:1 relation between the score and the performance of the disk for the given tasks. A PC with twice the score will be twice as fast.

Nero is fully transparency on the calculation of the actual score.Each of the tests executed within Nero Score will generate a score of its own. You can find more detail at What is Nero Score?



Total Scores

Better than 44% Disks

Average Bench

The Macmemory M.2 512GB top result is 56% lower than the peak scores attained by the disk leaders.

The Macmemory M.2 512GB will have an Average performance on I/O speed.

Disk Information
ModelMacmemory M.2 512GB
Overall rank8848th of 15738
Sequential read/write510/482 MB/s
4K Random read/write0/0 MB/s
Disk Score
Disk Score

Macmemory M.2 512GB Popularity

Macmemory M.2 512GB is first seen on charts at 08/2021.
User BenchmarksUSER SCORE
Product Type: GMKtec
User name: Béla János Hartmann
Basic system info: Intel N150 , 4 cores , 4 threads , 16GB , Intel Graphics

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